
Copyright © Riddick's Ride Foundation 2013 to  All Rights Reserved

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Our Lending Garage has been booming and the items we have available for loan changes on a regular basis.

We carry a variety of different types of standers, wheelchairs, special needs strollers, high/low positioning chairs, walkers, gait trainers, bath chairs, swings, Tumbleform chairs, Tomato chairs, and more!

We also carry some medical equipment and supplies such as chucks, diapers, hoyer lifts, hospital beds, feeding pumps, pulse ox machines, suction machines, and g-tube supplies.

If there is a piece of equipment or a supply that your child needs, kindly fill out an application. Someone will get back to you via email as soon as the application is reviewed and an item that matches your request has been located.

*Please note that some items have much higher demand than supply, such as Tumbleform chairs and Special Needs strollers.

Equipment Request Application

If not applicable, please put N/A

If not applicable, please put N/A

If not applicable, please put N/A
If not applicable, please put N/A

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