Copyright © Riddick's Ride Foundation 2013 to  All Rights Reserved

Blood is the most precious gift that someone can give to another person - the gift of life.  A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several. 

We at Riddick’s Ride are inspired to donate blood due to the many blood transfusions that Riddick and those with complex medical conditions have had or will possibly need throughout their lifetime, depending on their diagnosis and individual needs.  Blood donations play a vital role in saving lives, as well as helping to sustain an individual’s quality of life.  We are excited to be a part of something that is so incredibly important.

Providing all the blood product needs to over 50+ hospitals in a two state, 12-county area, Heartland Blood Center is the center of our choice.  Most of us will NEED blood products at some point in our lives, but not enough individuals donate.  Giving the gift of life is a simple process that takes approximately 45 minutes but many people don’t know how easy it is.  Join our movement with our Shed the Red program which offers others that chance to help save lives at our locally hosted blood drives.  “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” - Helen Keller 

Our Blood Drives have helped to secure 105 successful donations and this has helped to save up to 315 lives.